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Lets Have a Baby Package

Initial Doula Consult


Session may include light housekeeping, meal prep, feeding assistance and infant care afer delivery of baby.

Prenatal Visits


Consist of discussing topics with families such as birth plan, laboring postions, pain management options and many more. Preatal visit can range from 2-4  hours.

Postpartum Visit


This is your Service Description. Use this space to explain this service in more detail.

Virtual Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 1 virtual breastfeeding visit• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Next Level Virtual Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 2 virtual breastfeeding visits, support person session & milk catcher• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Birthing Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 3 virtual breastfeeding visits, support person session & milk catcher• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Next Level Birthing Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Continuous, uninterrupted support during your labor and birth â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 1-2 Postpartum visits â€¢ 3 visits virtual or hands, support person session & milk catcher• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Next Level with a Shine Birthing Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Continuous, uninterrupted support during your labor and birth â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 1-2 Postpartum visits â€¢ 3 visits virtual or hands, support person session & milk catcher• 60 minute maternity or postpartum photo shoot• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Non-Client Q&A


Time for non client to ask questions in between doctor appointments and to work on birth plan.

Lets have a Baby Package: Services

Lets Have a Baby Package

Initial Doula Consult


Session may include light housekeeping, meal prep, feeding assistance and infant care afer delivery of baby.

Prenatal Visits

Starting at $40

Consist of discussing topics with families such as birth plan, laboring postions, pain management options and many more. Preatal visit can range from 2-4  hours.

Postpartum Visit

Starting at $50

This is your Service Description. Use this space to explain this service in more detail.

Virtual Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 1 virtual breastfeeding visit• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Next Level Virtual Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 3 virtual breastfeeding visits, support person session & milk catcher• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Birthing Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 3 virtual breastfeeding visits, support person session & milk catcher• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Next Level Birthing Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Continuous, uninterrupted support during your labor and birth â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 1-2 Postpartum visits â€¢ 3 visits virtual or hands, support person session & milk catcher• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Next Level with a Shine Birthing Doula Package


• An initial phone consultation â€¢ Monthly prenatal visits â€¢ Unlimited email, phone or texting support â€¢ Detailed birth plan development â€¢ Continuous, uninterrupted support during your labor and birth â€¢ Immediate support after the birth of your baby, during the recovery phase â€¢ 1-2 Postpartum visits â€¢ 3 visits virtual or hands, support person session & milk catcher• 60 minute maternity or postpartum photo shoot• Additional breastfeeding support available for extra fee â€¢ Extended postpartum support available for extra fee

Lets have a Baby Package: Services
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